Wednesday, 5 March 2014

"KISS for Kids" are part of the team.

In our house we believe that everyone has to play their part in helping our team. That means they clean up for themselves but also do things for others. If they say they don't want to help, I tell them that the next time they ask for help from me, I will say no. This is fairly harsh but works well.

I was tested the other day though when miss 6 said she would not be part of our team. I explained that she would not get any help the next day and actually she would not be able to eat breakfast or put on clothes or use anything in the house because they all belonged to our team. She said ok, she would help a bit so that she could wear some clothes but she would get money out of her own money box and walk the 2 km to our local Coles to buy her own groceries. I ended up walking with her and she made it to the end of our road (about 500m) before she decided that being part of the team was actually not that bad.

So what should kids be asked to do? Here is the list I have come up with, do you agree???

Ages 2-3
Put toys in toy box
Stack books on shelf
Place dirty clothes in laundry basket
Put rubbish in the bin
Fold washcloths
Set the table
Fetch nappies and wipes
Wipe up spills
Use dustpan and broom

Ages 4-5
Feed pets
Put away toys
Make the bed
Clean up bedroom
Water plants
Put plates in dishwasher
Put dishwasher items away
Prepare simple snacks/ breakfast
Use hand-held vacuum
Clear kitchen table
Match clean socks
Put clothes away in drawers
Replace toilet paper roll
Bring in mail

Ages 6-7
Fold towels
Sweep floors
Weed garden
Peel potatoes or carrots
Make salad
Load dishwasher
Put a load of washing on
Put groceries away

Ages 8-9
Hang out clean washing
Fold clean washing
Scramble eggs
Bake cookies
Walk dog
Ages 10-11
Clean bathroom

Clean countertops
Prepare simple meals
Mow lawn
Do simple mending (Button)
Wash/ vacuum car
Wash windows

Ages 12 and up
Mop floors
Trim hedges
Paint walls
Shop for groceries with list
Cook complete dinner
Bake bread or cake
Do simple home repairs
Iron clothes
Watch younger siblings

I have to say I expect my kids to do a lot. When my girls were 4 and 5 they were expected to do 6 jobs every morning.
These were;
            Get themselves breakfast – cereal
            Get dressed
            Brush their teeth
            Brush their hair
            Clean their rooms; beds made, nothing on the floor, everything away. (I would help them with hanging up clothes because they couldn’t reach).
            Sign in; Write their names on a piece of paper for practise.

After me showing them a few times they were very capable. It always amazes me what my little people are capable of. xx

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